The Rose Pompon display windows
Chapter 1: A wave of flowers
When the Rose Pompon perfume was launched in the shops, Manymany created the scenography for all of Annick Goutal’s display windows, a continuation of the set-up created for the press event. A wave of paper flowers animates the display windows, and in the background, a depiction of the Rose Pompon woman is found in an image designed to match that of the new perfume.

Chapter 2: A walk through Paris

Annick Goutal follows the inauguration of its Rose Pompon perfume, launched in the winter of 2016, in a second chapter, and with display window décors that highlight the iconic, pink-lacquered bottle in a Parisian setting. For this occasion, Manymany returned to the technique of paper pop-ups and created a décor made by hand. Illustrated in a poetic and playful manner, Paris becomes the stage for a walk from the Eiffel Tower to the Parc Monceau, by way of Saint Sulpice and Place Vendôme, addresses in Paris where the perfumery is located.

Chapter 3: About the rose
The Rose Pompon product line is broadened in 2017 to include a limited-edition line of beauty products. The third chapter in the Rose Pompon story thus focuses on the major component of the perfume, roses: oversize and monumental, the perfumery’s iconic bottle is covered with roses that look very real, inhabiting the display windows in its shops and catching people’s eye.