The other collaborations
The Selby is in Cognac
How can one unite the universe of the young, talented and successful American photographer, Todd Selby, with that of the legendary cognac producer, Hennessy, whose ancestral know-how is a story all in itself? That is the challenge that Manymany took on for the scenography of the “The Selby is in Cognac” exhibition, where Hennessey, in addition to displaying some fifty photographs commissioned from the artist, depicts 200 years of know-how and enduring traditions. Folded sheets and an indoor-outdoor multi-colour scheme on wall paper comprise this scenography, which fits into a clear, bright space as the fantasy “packaging” of an imaginary bottle, whose orangey-red content, reflected on the transparent windows of the Hennessy building, recalls the enchantment of an iridescent cognac.

JoneOne - Mixing the colors
As part of the Maison Hennessy’s collaboration with the street artist JonOne for its 2017 limited edition of the Very Special bottle, Manymany creates the scenography for an exhibit devoted to the work of JonOne: drawing on inspiration from the artist’s studio, the scenography highlights the artist’s original works related to the V.S. collections in a sober, white and light wood setting, illuminated with splashes of paint. The fresco done by JonOne on the day of its inauguration heightens the impression of being behind the scenes of their collaboration…

J.Mannion - Beyond the covers
For the 2 July 2013 opening of the 20th Cognac Blues Passion festival, Hennessy invited Jonathan Mannion, the renowned American hip-hop photographer, to display 50 of his portraits in its Quais de Cognac space. Manymany invites visitors to learn about the history of hip-hop, one step at a time, through the 50 portraits hung in purely chronological order, laid out as a frieze on a black background, accompanied only by their dates and titles. As a special feature, the mini history lesson is set off in six focus cases that allow one to view the contents in more intimate detail, specifically using sound and video. Six themes related to American hip-hop music and found in the work of Jonathan Mannion are thus covered: the intensity or social engagement of his texts, production or work; pride or the feeling of belonging; adoption of the symbols of luxury or bling-bling; hedonism; and the notion of glamour are all facets of this genre.